Friday, April 22, 2016

Failure is an Option

Thomas Alva Edision

In this era of globalization, many entrepreneurs have faced mistakes or failure when they invent something new and make business. Those who are willing to learn will eventually become successful after mistakes and failures lead them to make some improvements.
Thomas Edision (1847-1931) was an American businessman besides being the famous inventor for light bulb. He designed many devices which greatly affect the life around the world especially the practical light bulbs which bring light to the people in this world. (Wikipedia, 2016)

Thomas Edision faced many challenges and obstacles when he first worked on the invention of a practical light bulb. He and few of his teams faced failed experiments for several times. For instance, they faced the number of negative laboratory tests for almost up to 50,000 times and a minimum of 700 times. This eventually caused a visitor to the lab who conveyed his feelings of pity to Thomas Edision about the number of times of the failed experiments and results (Williams, 2012). Thomas Edision then responded to him by quoting "I have not failed, I've just found ten thousand ways that won't work." Although he faced with these failures, he never gave up and continued with different creations of the light bulbs which eventually bring a large impacts and different to our everyday lives (Congress).  
In a nutshell, the failures or mistakes did not stop Thomas Edison from searching for new chances to start inventing and exploring ways to invent the new light bulb. He improves from the mistakes and failures when encountered with challenges and obstacles and never give up trying other ways to succeed. Finally, he succeeded in inventing the light bulbs after going through many ups and downs.

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